Theft / Robbery
The Law Office of Peter S. O’Neill Defends Theft Cases
Understanding the Difference Between Theft and Robbery
Maryland law differentiates robbery and theft based on how an offender stole the property. Robbery charges result from someone taking property directly from another individual with a use of force. The general public may use robbery and burglary interchangeably, but legal statutes clearly distinguish them. A person commits robbery by using force, threat, or intimidation to take property from someone else. It may even include assault. Burglary, however, occurs when someone unlawfully enters another person’s dwelling with the intent to steal property. Therefore, burglary is a crime against property, while robbery is a crime against a person.
Theft differs from robbery and burglary because it is much less personal. Examples of theft include embezzlement, shoplifting, and writing insufficient checks. Depending on the value of items taken, theft can be a felony or a misdemeanor.